End Climate Change, Start Climate of Change #ClimateOfChange. A Pan-European Campaign to build a better future for climate induced migrants, the human face of climate change.
The project “End Climate Change, Start Climate of Change” is a European project, which aims at developing young EU citizens awareness and critical understanding of climate change induced migration, as one of the biggest challenges of the globalized world.
- Raising awareness of young EU citizens on the nexus between the economic system we live in, our lifestyle and human-induced climate change effects in the Global South
- Promoting sustainable lifestyle patterns and a shift towards a sustainable, human economy model within our planetary boundaries.
- Engaging and activating young EU citizens in support of policies and development actions to tackle climate change as a driver of irregular migration and forced displacement worldwide.
The ambitious aim of the Action is not only to improve knowledge and awareness of young European citizens but also to engage them in promoting a change in their own behaviour and in their community. A social marketing campaign to inform, encourage and enable youth to change their lifestyle and promote their role as actors of change has been carefully developed. The campaign is based on providing information about the effects of the choices we make, and what we could, or should, do differently. A vibrant Pan-European impact will be guaranteed thanks to a strong common visual identity and message and a clear EU campaign roadmap of both online and live activities, such as the Pan EU Street Action Tour traveling for 80 days through Europe and stopping in 10 EU cities; the TEDx Talks in 4 EU cities and broadcasted online, etc. Moreover, it will be a focused and strategic campaign on climate change and migration priorities bringing EU Development Policy and EU answers to global challenges closer to citizens.
- WeWorld-GVC,
- Action Aid Hellas-Greece,
- Oxfam Germany,
- Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna-(UNIBO Italy),
- Bulgarian Environmental Partnership Foundation -(BEPF)-Bulgaria,
- ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy- France,
- Municipality of Bologna – Italy,
- BRF-Poland, FINEP-Germany,
- HBA-Hungary,
- SUEDWIND-Austria,
- SLOGA- Slovenia
WeWorld-GVC - ItalyResources

The Member States of the European Union have decided to link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders.
This webpage was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of UNRF and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
Project Reference:
Grant Contract CSO - LA/2019/410-153
15 January 2020
15 May 2023
Project Logo:
Project Website:
Funding Programme:
European Commission under the DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising) Programme.
Funding Logo:
Primary Investigator:
Dr Despina Cochliou
Role of UNRF: