Centre for Green Development and Energy Policy (CGD)
The Centre for Green Development and Energy Policy (CGD) is a non-profit organisation established under the University of Nicosia Research Foundation, which is based in Cyprus.
It is involved in activities in Cyprus as well as the European Union and the general international world. The CGD is a multidisciplinary research centre that focuses on environmental and energy issues.
It brings together the expertise of many academic professionals from different fields of research from the University of Nicosia and offers their expertise to both public and private institutions through partnerships on projects. The Centre’s mission is to promote research at the University level as well as national level.
This mission has been set as a consequence of identifying the shortage of proper and sufficient research on environmental and energy issues that currently exists in Cyprus in the context of deteriorating environmental conditions coupled with upcoming energy developments. The Centre covers many aspects of environmental and energy issues including, but not limited to, climate change, air pollution, biodiversity, sustainable development, transportation emissions, environmental and energy policy, renewable sources of energy, oil and gas management, as well as the use and application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).